Wavecall is an experienced partner in the field of radio wave propagation with over 20 years of extensive knowledge and expertise. The company was founded in 1997 by Dr. Karim Rizk (PhD from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), who developed the first ever urban coverage prediction tool in 1992. 1999 saw the commercial launch of our flagship product WaveSight.
Since then a lot has happened. For example, WaveSight was the first propagation model that functioned as a plug-in for planning tools. Over the years Wavecall has proven to be committed to innovation and continues to lead the way in urban propagation.
Our international team of highly dedicated experts is determined to provide you with the best solutions possible. This, combined with our unrivaled accuracy, has been proven to be a decisive differentiator for our clients time and again.
Wavecall is globally active with offices in Switzerland and the Netherlands. Our Support Staff is always available to answer any and every question

Dr. Agus Bi Mawira has some 40 years of experience in radio wave propagation for microwave, satellite, and cellular communication systems.
Until 2002 he worked for Dutch Telecom operator KPN as a Senior Scientist responsible for the development of propagation models.
He has also been the official representative of the Netherlands in radio wave propagation committees of the ITU, ESTEC\ESA, and European Scientific Cooperation Projects (COST).
From 2003 onwards he is associated with Wavecall as Chief Scientific Advisor, with the primary task to assist Wavecall in the continuous development of propagation models of Wavecall.
Dr. Bi has more than 50 years experience in radio wave propagation